Thursday, May 5, 2016

2016 Aspirations

3, 2, 1, Happy New Years speaking about that i'm going to be talking about my goals and how im going to reach them. My first goal is to try to win the next bowling tournament i'm going to, yes I bowl I like to bowl. My second goal is to get good grades in my classes i'm struggling in. One way I will achieve this goal is ask my teacher for extra work to do after I finish the work I didn't finish. Third goal is to do a go animation in Stykz, one way I can do that is just keep on practicing. Forth goal is to bowl a 270 game in Kauai Jr Bowling, just practice. And fifth goal is a great last year in middle school because I'm a 8th grader so its mt last year, the way I'm going to do that is just do all my work so I can have fun with my friends.

The goal that most important to me is the Bowling one because my family is a bowling family we all love to bowl. Also my family thinks I really have good potential in my bowling and I don't want to let down my family. Also if I do win that would be my first time winning.

Now i'm going to explain how I'm going to ensure success. First step I'm going to need to practice more and just try really hard. Second step is look at the lanes to see if its dry oily or just right because that how I know were to trow. Third step is be more open minded to the couches because there just trying to help. And the last step is be focused and don't get destructed to much.

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