Friday, May 6, 2016

.MOV Film Festival

Hello people of the internet I'm Kalani, just like how it says up there. Today I'm going to be talking about my most recent project but before I do that I need to explain my project, Pidgin, Slang, Exaggeration, Learning. They are the 4 key words of our project. Now i'm going to tell you how these key words will connect to you people. First & second & third pidgin,slang, and exaggeration, if your born on the Hawaiian Islands you will end up speaking pidgin (it a type of slang the we speak) but of course we exaggerate how we talk to make it funny and more engaging to you guys. And the last one is learning, once in your life time you will learn something (I hope) whether good or bad.

Now i'm going to tell you the overall message and why you should care. First our overall message is just be your self if other people are doing something and you feel like you should do that to just don't because your not being yourself and if you be your self you are cool (I would put a happy face with a thumbs up but I can't). Now why should you care, you guys should care because being yourself is cool. And also not being your self can kill you because some people try smoking because everybody else is doing it and you can die from smoking. so to recap overall message if be your self and don't let yourself  kill you.

Now Kalani after all that hard work you must of have at least one challenging part about this well no we had 2. The first one is that we had a hard time finding other people to be in this video. Like in this video the people you see in here are random people and they said yes some people did turn us down but that's not the point wait yes it is. The second one is the day we filmed at the beach it was really windy like really really windy. For example we had trouble getting good audio for that shot because it sounded like if you was putting up a paper by a fan but more loud.

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